
Go Eagles!

Happy Monday!! I hope everyone had a good Super Bowl weekend and ate lots of amazing food (like I did). Being that it is the first of the week, I wanted to give a little heads up for all you event-our seekers to clear your weekend schedules and give you something to look forward to this upcoming weekend. 
ATTENTIONFGCU Alumni.. this upcoming week is made especially for you. Alumni Weekend starts this Thursday, February 9-11 and allows all Alumni to get reunited, cutback and let loose. There is a whole list of events and activities that range from FREE up to $20.00.Yours truly, has already  registered for the "Eagles Night Out" event this upcoming Friday at Bar Louie (blog coming soon). I encourage all FGCU Alumni to support their alma mater and  go out and have some fun. You'll never know who you'll run into :)

Not an FGCU Alum? No worries. The Shops at Bell Tower will be hosting the first ever "Love Bites Taste Tour" this Saturday, February 11th from 2-4PM. The Taste Tour will allow visitors to sample a variety of dishes that highlight the local restaurants in Bell Tower. Samples range from $1-$4 and vendors will only be accepting cash. There will even be a live cover band. So grab a few close friends or maybe that special someone and go out and try some awesome cheap eats and discover what Bell Tower has to offer. 


Super Bowl Weekend

Being that this is my fist EVER post.... I wanted to take the time to tell you how excited I am for this weekend. Its SUPER BOWL WEEKEND!!! Let me first start out by saying, I am not a huge football fan nor do I have a favorite football team but, I do love Super Bowl parties. I happen to be going to a very exclusive party myself. That's right I have been cordially invited to attend Super Bowl XLVI in the comfort of some of my closest friends. There will be tons of screaming and yelling followed by a lot of booze and delicious food. As far as events go, this one takes the cake. First of all, its absolutely free to attend and doesn't brake the bank if you happen to decide to make a party out of it. Each one of my friends will contribute something different to the party whether it be some type of alcoholic beverage or snack. This year, I am staying on lighter side and will be making "Mini Tacos". I found the recipe online and its so easy to make, I really don't know how I didn't come up with the idea myself. For all of you die heart fans, I wish your team luck and for my fellow party planners, Happy Eat-tings!